Luke Morrigan
Press Start


Connecting my Christmas jumper to the Internet

Some of you will be aware that while I'm not necessarily great at it, I enjoy playing around with hardware. One of the talks that I've been fortunate enough to travel the world to give is about using JavaScript to do bits of home automation, including automating my curtains and making my own thermostat.

So it may come as no real surprise that when I heard there was going to be a Christmas jumper competition at work last year, I decided add LEDs to my jumper and connect it to the Internet.


Friday the 7th September 2012 was a bad day for me. That was the day that I was fired from my first development job. It was the beginning of a 7 month unemployment period where I struggled with depression, impostor syndrome and I asked myself some tough questions.

Opening Up About My Mental Health

I've tried to start writing this post a few times. Mental health is a difficult topic to speak about in itself, and struggling with your own mental health can make it even more difficult.

While this post is difficult to write, I want to be open about it. I hope that this can help other people feel like they can talk about their mental health too.

Why LeedsJS Doesn't Have Q&A Anymore

The day before April's LeedsJS meetup, I decided to try not having Q&A after the talks in favour of encouraging people to come and chat to the speakers directly. There were a variety of reasons as to why I felt that this would be the best route, and it seems to have been a success!